With the coronavirus outbreak consuming our lives we would like to take a moment to give a quick update on our plans.
Printing Specialists will remain open at our regular 8am to 6pm hours unless requested to change by city, state or federal government.
Keeping ourselves and customers safe
We have a small staff and are limiting our contact with people. We have stepped up our cleaning and sanitizing. Those employees that can work from home are, or have limited their time in office to after hours. We don’t really have a high walk in customer base, so our contact with the general public is limited, and we keep a safe distance, no more handshaking or hugs.
Business & workflow
Printing Specialists wants to assure our customers that we will be here for you. Our production is continuing as usual so your products will continue to go out on time. We have full shipping capabilities here with both FedEx and UPS pickups daily and will ship your products directly to you.
If our phone we rings we answer it, if we receive and e-mail you will get a reply.
The Printing Specialists team is dedicated to weathering this storm. We will continue to do what we can to keep our commitments and provide the best service we can for our customers.
We want to recognize the heroic first responders, doctors, nurses, researchers, public health experts and public servants who have work every day to get us through this moment. We do not yet know when the greatest risk will be behind us.
Please be safe out there.
Printing Specialists
Relevant Links
CDC downloadable posters and flyers
World Health Organization guidance
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