graphic design samples and tips

Raster vs Vector, why logo formats matter

By |2017-06-28T16:47:14-07:00February 27th, 2014|design|

I sent you my logo, but you can't use it? Have you ever sent your logo to be reproduced in some fashion; for a brochure, a promotional item or screen printed, only to hear back that the resolution is too low and "Could you please send it in a high resolution or vector format?" If [...]

Let’s Talk Business Cards

By |2017-06-28T16:47:16-07:00August 22nd, 2012|design, Marketing|

Ask any sales person, business owner or entrepreneur and they will tell you that one of the most important communication tools is a business card. There are many, many different kinds of business cards available. We'll list a few of the more common ones below. the glossy card The most common and cost effective is [...]

Indesign Tip

By |2017-06-28T16:47:17-07:00July 21st, 2011|design|

This tip comes via InDesign Magazine's tip of the day. Did you just draw a rectangle and end up with a stroke on it that you didn't want? You can quickly change the fill and stroke attributes of any selected frame by pressing the following keys: Press the X key to toggle between the Stroke [...]

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