any post related to the constant improvement of our company.

Group Imaging Customers

By |2022-09-09T11:31:29-07:00June 8th, 2022|blog, Company Updates|

Welcome to Printing Specialists and thanks for checking us out. We have had a great working relationship with Group Imaging over the years and have helped each other with various projects. We've made ourselves a valuable vendor to each other, and their absence will be missed.  Printing Specialists have a similar philosophy and motivation to [...]

AZ Stay at home order

By |2020-03-31T15:30:38-07:00March 31st, 2020|blog, Company Updates|

Arizona's Stay at Home Order, what it means for Printing Specialists. As the Covid-19 virus continues to spread in our state our Governor has issued a stay at home order for Arizona. We are complying with the order and working from home as much as possible.  What does this mean for you, the customers we [...]

Refresh and Recharge Contest

By |2017-06-28T16:46:59-07:00May 27th, 2015|Company Updates, Contests, Marketing|

Win a Vacation and 3 Months Free Advertising Could you use a REFRESHING 7-night Florida vacation and Bahamas cruise, and a 3 month radio advertising campaign to RECHARGE your business…ALL FREE? During the month of June 2015, Printing Specialists would like to show our appreciation for new customers by giving them a chance to Refresh [...]

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