Thank you from St Vincent De Paul

By |2017-06-28T16:46:56-07:00October 19th, 2015|Helping Others|

We recently had a food donation box in our office collecting food for the Society of St. Vincent De Paul. We partnered with Arizona Sports Radio on it and it was a success. Check out pictures of the certificate and letter from St. Vincent De Paul sent us thanking us for our help. It was [...]

going to jail for good

By |2017-06-28T16:47:14-07:00March 3rd, 2014|Helping Others|

On Wednesday March 5th, Jesse goes to jail. Not real jail, MDA jail. Jesse is participating in a fundraising program with MDA. He has been raising bail for the past few weeks but needs some help. This is a great cause and we can use your help to get him closer to his goal. With [...]

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